February is a difficult time of the year for those who aren’t in a relationship.…

A New You: Getting Back to Pre-COVID Socialization
Many of us have become a bit reclusive during the pandemic, either by choice or circumstance. Getting back into the “real world” may require a bit of confidence building so we’re prepared to jump back into our professional and social lives with a renewed sense of purpose and enthusiasm. If you’re ready to hit the dating scene again, we can help you make the perfect match!
Get Into the Right State of Mind
It’s time to move from “pandemic thinking” to “next chapter” thinking. While no one can argue that the world has changed – especially the way we interact with other humans – getting into a healthy new mindset can allow us to move ahead in a successful way. Start by reminding yourself that you aren’t in this alone – everyone has experienced a bit of disconnect in recent months, whether it’s suffering Zoom fatigue working from home, or feeling isolated from friends and family. So while you might feel a bit like you’re walking into the office or into a first date in a bit of a haze, it’s okay – everyone else is too! Once you start taking the first steps, you’ll begin to regain a sense of confidence.
Look and Feel Your Best
There’s no denying that when we feel good and look our best, our attitudes are more positive, we give off better energy, and we tend to have better interactions with those around us. If you’re one of many people who gained a little extra weight during lockdown while binging on Netflix and corn chips, it’s time to get back into a healthy diet and exercise routine. If you don’t know where to begin, the Centers for Disease Control recommends starting by purging high fat, sugar, and salt items from your diet and replacing them with whole foods like lean meats, whole grains, and fresh produce. Swap soft drinks and alcohol with water, and make sure you’re on a regular sleep schedule. Give yourself a makeover if it’s been a while! A couple of new outfits that fit well and make you feel great are another “must.”
Start Getting Out There
When you feel reasonably safe and comfortable, start getting back into the social scene. Maybe you’ve been dating online and are ready to meet new people. Perhaps you’re looking for a new friend group or others who share a similar hobby. Resuming a social life will help you feel a sense of normalcy returning, and you’ll feel happier simply connecting again to other humans in “real life.” According to Everyday Health, it’s wise to keep in mind that everyone has their own individual comfort levels with regard to what they consider “safe” socialization, and those levels may fluctuate. It’s okay to make a gradual reentry into the world and respect others’ feelings and sensitivities.
Balance Your Life
Whether you’ve been working from home or in an office, you may need to find your footing when it comes to creating a new version of a healthy work-life balance. This is especially important if you manage others. Maintain boundaries and create schedules and timelines where you can, and work from home on occasion when possible. Ensure work is fairly allocated, and take those vacation and personal days as needed. They’re available for good reason, and that’s to ensure you have time to rest, relax, and refocus. Look for other healthy ways to recharge, whether that’s making time for hobbies, friends, or other personal interests. Stress management is more important than ever, so make personal care one of your priorities.
Our work and social lives have been dramatically altered in recent months, and we’re all looking for ways to adjust and create a new sense of normalcy. Be kind to yourself and to others and recognize we’re living in unprecedented times that require novel approaches.
Check out the blog, Philadelphia Dating Scene, for tips for modern dating in the city.