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5 Conversation Stoppers

How you respond to others determines your depth of conversation and connection. If you want your partner, business associate, or date to be honest, vulnerable, and direct with you, you must respond correctly. What does that mean? You have to…

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Sharing Is Caring

Knowing what and how much to share is key to the start of a healthy relationship. Do you really want your significant other to know your innermost fears and frustrations? At what point do you carry your own water and not…

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How To Be Interesting

Think of the most interesting and engaging people you know. What is it that they do or say that makes them so fun to be with? What do they talk about?  Almost all interesting people are good listeners. They have…

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What Do You Want?

If you could do anything you wanted, what would it be? Why are you not doing it? Life is shorter than we all desire, so why spend it always wanting more? Whether you want to travel the world, learn a…

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